The full content of an issue of Affirmation & Critique will be posted in its entirety one year after its initial publication date. Only the first pages from the main articles are posted here.
Affirmation & Critique is now published once annually, in April.
Subscription Cost:
$5 for US, per issue
$15 for International, per issue
(tax and shipping included)
Email [email protected] to subscribe.
Single Issue Cost:
$7 for US (plus tax and shipping)
Digital Editions:
Digital editions will be available on Amazon, Google Play Books, Apple Books, and other ebook vendors. Digital-edition per-issue cost is $5 plus tax.
In coming to the truth of the Bible, we are guided primarily by three things. First, we understand that there is a single economy of God to be seen throughout the Bible. This economy centers on God’s dispensing Himself through His Trinity into His elect. Learn More...
A&C Press, an imprint of Living Stream Ministry, publishes scholarly works on Christian faith and theology. Learn More...